Elemental Power Wiki

There are three Element Stone varieties: Fire, Water and Earth.  Each grants bonus Power to creatures of the same element.

Tier Name Effect
3 Small Earthstone +20 Power to Earth Creatures
3 Small Firestone +20 Power to Fire Creatures
3 Small Waterstone +20 Power to Water Creatures
4 Medium Earthstone +30 Power to Earth Creatures
4 Medium Firestone +30 Power to Fire Creatures
4 Medium Waterstone +30 Power to Water Creatures
5 Large Earthstone +50 Power to Earth Creatures
5 Large Firestone +50 Power to Fire Creatures
5 Large Waterstone +50 Power to Water Creatures
6 Potent Earthstone +65 Power to Earth Creatures
6 Potent Firestone +65 Power to Fire Creatures
6 Potent Waterstone +65 Power to WaterCreatures